
english-pool-ball-rack Rules

We play pub rules, which are essentially the old EPA rules; Two shots carry after a foul, loose if you foul when potting the black. The only deviation from old EPA rules; the frame is lost if you pot the black off the break. This is a constraint of using a coin-op table and having to pay to re-rack with the black. Players should familiarise themselves with the rules. Both old EPA and WEPF racking are permitted.

Wagon Wheel League: The League is played over 12 Tuesdays and the score is cumulative. Players are matched at random and 4 single frame rounds of pool are played per night. At the end of the season the player with the most wins or highest score is the league winner. (See updated rules below)

500x500 Rules

Wagon Wheel Cup: Should a player win all four of their games on a league night then they literally win a Wagon Wheel! They are also entered into a separate knockout competition held on the last night of the season, where all wagon wheel winners battle it out to be the Wagon Wheel Cup holder. Knockout rounds are best of three frames, and the final is best of five frames.

Prizes: The Waggon & Horses (Seb) kindly donates cash prizes for both the league and the cup. These are notionally a proportion of the increased profits from pool table income and orders over the bar. The league is organised to encourage frequent attendance to maintain the income required to provide these cash prizes. Please support the league.

Spring League 2025: This season we will continue the points advantage system where we try to even the scores by applying a points multiple to players that have a lower average score (more details below). While the league is organised to encourage frequent attendance we also do not wish to penalise players who cannot attend every single week. In order to strike a balance between this and encouraging attendance we are considering making the league final scores comprise of a player’s top 9 results. This way in a season of 12 matches you can attend 9 or more times without dropping a score.

The 2024 Winter League: We have introduced a ‘Points Advantage’ system in an attempt to level the playing field to give all players of all capabilities a fairer chance of winning the league. This has been implemented by using the sum of your last four scoring weeks played to grade each player and assign a points Advantage and a points Multiplier. If you didn’t win a game one week, sore of 0, that week hasn’t been used. If you didn’t play and score points in 4 weeks of the last league you will be ungraded for now. The points advantage and multiplier based on 4 scoring weeks is applied as follows:
Greater than 8 points – 0 Advantage, Multiplier 1
7 and 8 points – 4 Advantage, 1.25 Multiplier
5 and 6 points – 6 Advantage, 1.5 Multiplier
4 points – 8 points Advantage, 1.75 Multiplier
For example: for someone who won 5 games over 4 scoring weeks, they will get a 6 point head start advantage and 1.5 points for every future game won. Whereas, someone who won 8 or more games over 4 scoring weeks have 0 points starting advantage and only 1 point for every future game won.
In addition, any player who wins all 4 games on a single league night will not only receive a chocolate Waggon Wheel they will also get a bonus point, giving them 5 points for winning all 4 games, as well as entry in to the finals knockout tournament.
Any new players to the league or anyone currently ungraded will be assessed and graded accordingly over 4 scoring weeks, with the appropriate advantage points and multiplier retrospectively applied.
We will also be having two Doubles nights during this next league, first on 12 November and second on 21st January. Doubles will be paired, 1 top league player paired with one bottom league player. Both players will be awarded equal points for the number of games won with the appropriate per player multiplier applied. For these Doubles nights to work we will need good attendance with a minimum of 16 players. Otherwise the night will revert to a normal singles night.
The Waggon and Horses (Seb) has once again kindly agreed to support this pool league and will be providing free Pizza’s for the opening night on 8th October and for each of the designated Double nights, as well as providing prize funds for the finals night. Thank you Seb, your support is very much appreciated. Please all make every effort to attend the new Tuesday nights pool league regularly. Without your attendance and support we will not be able to continue.
Given the above this new Waggon Pool League players starting points position is as shown below. Good luck to you all. Time to practice! 😀 

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